OSHO responses to questions

osho be still and know

be still and know

talks given in poona one 
from 01.09.79 am to 10.09.79 am
english discourse series
year published : 1981

osho come come yet again come

come, come, yet again come

talks given in poona one
from 27.10.80 am to 10.11.80 am
english discourse series
year published: 1980 – 1991

osho hari om tat sat

hari om tat sat

the divine sound : that is the truth
talks given in poona two
from 17.01.88 pm to 25.02.88 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1989

osho i am the gate

i am the gate

talks given in bombay
from 01.4.71 to 30.06.71
english discourse series
year published : 1976

osho my way the way of the white clouds

my way : 
the way of the white clouds

talks given in poona one 
from 10.05.74 am to 24.05.74 am
english discourse series 
year published : 1978

osho om mani padme hum

om mani padme hum

the sound of silence : 
the diamond in the lotus
talks given in poona two 
from 07.12.87 am to 17.01.88 am
english discourse series
year published : 1990

osho om shantih shantih shantih

om shantih shantih shantih

the soundless sound : 
peace peace peace
talks given in poona two 
from 26.02.88 am to 18.03.88 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1988

osho sat chit anand

sat chit anand

truth consciousnes bliss
talks given in poona two
from 22.11.87 am to 06.12.87 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1988

osho satyam shivam sundram

satyam shivam sundram

truth godliness beauty
talks given in poona two 
from 07.11.87 am to 21.11.87 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1988

osho the golden future

the golden future

talks given in poona two 
from 19.04.87 pm to 31.05.87 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1987

osho the goose is out

the goose is out

talks given in poona one 
from 01.03.81 am to 10.03.81 am
english discourse series
year published : 1982

osho the great pilgrimage

the great pilgrimage : 
from here to here

talks given in poona two 
from 06.09.87 am to 03.10.87 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1988

osho the hidden splendor

the hidden splendor

talks given in poona two
from 12.03.87 pm to 26.03.87 am
english discourse series
year published : 1987

osho the invitation

the invitation

talks given in poona two 
from 21.08.87 am to 05.09.87 pm
english discourse series 
year published : 1988

osho the new dawn

the new dawn

talks given in poona two 
from 18.06.87 pm to 04.07.87 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1989

osho the psychology of the esoteric

the psychology of the esoteric

early talks and writings
from 1972
english discourse series
year published : 1978

osho the razor's edge

the razor’s edge

talks given in poona two
from 25.02.87 pm to 12.03.87 am
english discourse series
year published : 1988

osho the rebel

the rebel

talks given in poona two 
from 01.06.87 am to 25.02.87 am
english discourse series
year published : 1988

osho the rebellious spirit

the rebellious spirit

talks given in poona two 
from 10.02.87 pm to 25.02.87 am
english discourse series
year published : 1987

osho the wild geese and the water

the wild geese and the water

talks given in poona one
from 11.02.81 am to 24.02.81 am
english discourse series
year published : 1985

osho walk without feet

walk without feet
fly without wings 
and think without mind

talks given in poona one 
from 01.01.78 am to 10.01.78 am
english discourse series
year published : 1979 – 1982

osho zen zest zip zap zing

zen : zest, zip, zap and zing

talks given in poona one 
from 27.12.80 am to 10.01.81 am
english discourse series
year published : 1981

osho from unconsciousness to consciousness

rajneesh bible vol 1
from unconciousness 
to consciousnesss

first words spoken after a period of three and a half years of silence 
talks given in rajneeshpuram oregon
from 30/10/84 pm to 28/11/84 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1984 – 1998

osho from ignorance to innocence

rajneesh bible vol 2
from ignorance to innocence

originally rajneesh bible vol 2
talks given in rajneeshpuram oregon
from 29.11.84 pm to 29.12.84 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1984 


osho from personality to individuality

rajneesh bible vol 3
from personality to individuality

originally rajneesh bible vol 3
talks given in rajneeshpuram oregon
from 30.12.84 pm to 28.01.85 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1985

osho from misery to enlightenment

rajneesh bible vol 4
from misery to enlightenment 

originally rajneesh bible vol 4
talks given in rajneeshpuram oregon 
from 29.01.85 pm to 27.02.85 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1987

osho from darkness to light

rajneesh bible vol 5
from darkness to light

discourse series originally titled the rajneesh bible, vol 5, but was never published under that name 
talks given in rajneeshpuram oregon 
from 28/02/85 pm to 31/03/85 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1985 

osho from false to the truth

rajneesh bible vol 6
from false to truth

discourse series originally titled the rajneesh bible, vol 6, but was never  published under that name 
talks given in rajneeshpuram oregon 
from 01/04/85 pm to 01/08/85 am
english discourse series
year published : 1988

osho from death to deathlessness

rajneesh bible vol 7 & 8 
from death to deathlessness

discourse series originally titled the rajneesh bible, vol 7 & 8 but was never published under that name 
talks given in rajneeshpuram oregon
from 02/08/85 am to 14/09/85 am
english discourse series
year published : 1985

osho from bondage to freedom

rajneesh bible vol 8 & 9
from bondage to freedom

discourse series originally titled the rajneesh bible, vol 8 & 9, but was never published under that name 
talks given in rajneeshpuram oregon 
from 15/09/85 am to 27/10/85 am
english discourse series
year published : 1985