OSHO books on tantra

osho om shantih shantih shantih

om shantih shantih shantih

the soundless sound :
peace peace peace
talks given in poona two 
from 26.02.88 am to 18.03.88 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1988

osho sat chit anand

sat chit anand

truth consciousnes bliss
talks given in poona two 
from 22.11.87 am to 06.12.87 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1988

osho satyam shivam sundram

satyam shivam sundaram

truth godliness beauty
talks given in poona two
from 07.11.87 am to 21.11.87 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1977


osho tantra the supreme understanding

tantra : the supreme 

discourses on tilopa’s song of 
talks given in poona one
from 11.02.75 am to 20.02.75 am
english discourse series
year published :1975

osho the tantra vision vol 1

the tantra vision
vol 1

talks on the royal song of saraha
talks given in poona one 
from 21.04.77 am to 30.04.77 am
english discourse series 
year published : 1978

osho the tantra vision vol 2

the tantra vision
vol 2

talks on the royal song of saraha
talks given in poona one 
from 21.04.77 am to 30.04.77 am
english discourse series 
year published : 1978

osho vigyan bhairav tantra vol 1

vigyan bhairav tantra
vol 1

the book of the secrets : 
a new commentary
talks given in poona one 
from 01.10.72 pm to 01.03.73 pm
english discourse series 
year published : 1991

osho vigyan bhairav tantra vol 2

vigyan bhairav tantra
vol 2

the book of the secrets : 
a new commentary
talks given in poona one 
from 01.10.72 pm to 01.03.73 pm
english discourse series 
year published : 1991