OSHO world tour talks

osho light on the path

light on the path

talks given in kathmandu nepal
03.12.85 am to 13.02.86 am
english discourse series
year published : 1988

osho the sword and the lotus

the sword and the lotus

talks given in kathmandu nepal
from 15.01.86 am to 13.02.86 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1989

osho socrates poisoned

socrates poisoned again

after 25 centuries
talks given in crete greece
from 19.02.86 pm to 15.04.86 am
english discourse series
year published : 1988


osho beyond psychology

beyond psychology

talks given in punta del este – uruguay
from 12.04.86 pm to 04.05.86 am
english discourse series
year published : 1988

osho the path of the mystic

the path of the mystic

talks given in punta del este – uruguay
from 04.05.86 pm to 26.05.86 am
english discourse series
year published : 1988

osho the transmission of the lamp

the transmission of the lamp

talks given in punta del este – uruguay
from 26.05.86 pm to 18.06.86 am
English Discourse series
Year Published : 1986

osho the osho upanishad

the rajneesh upanishad

previously published as the 
rajneesh upanishad
talks given in bombay
from 16.08.86 pm to 02.10.86 pm
english discourse series
year published : 2001

osho beyond enlightenment

beyond enlightenment

talks given in bombay
from 03.10.86 pm to 04.11.86 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1986

osho sermons in stones

sermons in stones

talks given in bombay
from 05.11.86 pm to 29.12.86 pm
english discourse series
year published : 1987